Council and Committee Meetings
We have Council meetings every month, with additional extraordinary meetings as required. You can attend or request to speak at these meetings.
We also have four Committees that consider matters related to City Services, Performance, Planning and Environment, and Works and Assets.
Council meetings
Dates: |
Time: | 7pm |
Location: | Council Chambers Rockdale Town Hall, Council Chambers |
Online: | We stream Council meetings on our Youtube channel |
Agendas and minutes are available online. The Minutes of each meeting are draft until they are included in the agenda and confirmed at the next Ordinary Council Meeting.
For more information, contact governance@bayside.nsw.gov.au.
You can access papers from the last term of the former City of Botany Bay Council and the former Rockdale City Council online. Contact us to request papers prior to September 2012.
Request to speak
You are welcome to attend a Council or Committee meeting to observe.
You can also share your position on agenda item, either verbally or through a written submission.
To speak at a Council or Committee meeting you must complete a 'request to speak' form by 5pm on the day before the meeting.
Request to speak or make a submission
After you have completed the request to speak form, you can attend the meeting:
- in person
- online (through Microsoft Teams).
If you are providing a written submission, it should be:
- less than five minutes when read out loud
- uploaded with your request to speak form by 5pm on the day before the meeting.
Written submissions are provided directly to the Councillors prior to the meeting.
Once we have received your form we will send further instructions on how to join the meeting.
City Planning and Environment Committee
Date: |
First Wednesday of every month |
Time: | 6:30pm |
Location: | Botany Committee Meeting Room Botany Town Hall |
Online: | We stream Council meetings on our Youtube channel |
Agendas and minutes are available online. Terms of Reference.
Committee Members:
Cr Scott Morrissey, Chairperson
Cr Liz Barlow, Deputy Chairperson
Cr Heidi Lee Douglas, Deputy Mayor
Cr Janin Bredehoeft
Cr Soraya Kassim
Cr Joe Awada
Cr Christina Curry
This committee considers matters relating to City Planning and Environment including:
- Produce and monitor policies and programs that deliver a better environment for residents and visitors
- Exercise strategic planning* functions as defined by the EP&A Act, particularly Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) and Development Control Plans (DCPs), planning proposals, urban design policy, submissions on policy/ legislation changes, sites of Aboriginal significance, resilience, masterplans/concepts, traffic proposals, heritage (Heritage Grants Program, based on existing NSW Council policy, criteria ‘on the heritage list’, replacement, financial amount),Voluntary Planning Agreements*.
*these items may be reported direct to Council due to legislation or other reasons.
City Works and Assets Committee
Date: |
First Wednesday of every month |
Time: | Following the City Planning and Environment Committee |
Location: | Botany Committee Meeting Room Botany Town Hall |
Online: | We stream Council meetings on our Youtube channel |
Agendas and minutes are available online. Terms of Reference.
Committee Members:
Cr Heidi Lee Douglas, Deputy Mayor, Chairperson
Cr Liz Barlow, Deputy Chairperson
Cr Vicki Poulos
Cr Soraya Kassim
Cr Scott Morrissey
Cr Peter Strong
Cr Christina Curry
This committee considers matters relating to City Works and Assets including:
- Development of engineering standards
- traffic management
- street lighting
- infrastructure design standards, construction and maintenance, civil infrastructure
- asset management planning*, capital projects implementation and monitoring
- lease/purchase, roads, pathways, and reserves
- construction, maintenance and management of buildings and recreational facilities
- tender process (works related)
- emergency services
- subdivision standards
- operational works and services programs
- capital works programs*
- streetscapes and landscaping
- maintenance of parks, reserves and open spaces,
- parking enforcement
- community health obligations
- companion animals
- waste management services and cleansing
- infrastructure maintenance and renewal
- heritage – built environment
- local shopping precincts
- traffic management and facilities
- residential parking schemes
- commercial management and assessment of commercial opportunities
- property strategy, investment, land acquisitions, sales and leases
- regional resource sharing and initiatives.
*these items may be reported direct to Council due to legislation or other reasons.
City Services Committee
Date: |
Second Wednesday of every month |
Time: | 6:30pm |
Location: | Botany Committee Meeting Room Botany Town Hall |
Online: | We stream Council meetings on our Youtube channel |
Agendas and minutes are available online. Terms of Reference.
Committee Members:
Cr Joe Awada, Chairperson
Cr Soraya Kassim, Deputy Chairperson
Cr Edward McDougall, Mayor
Cr Vicki Poulos
Cr Soraya Kassim
Cr Peter Strong
Cr Janin Bredehoeft
Cr Christina Curry
This committee considers matters relating to City Services including:
- Community Strategic Plan
- social planning (community and recreational needs and analysis)
- community development and community information services
- women
- seniors and aged care information, services and facilities
- children’s services
- care services, including family day care, long day care, school vacation care
- disability
- multicultural and CALD services
- youth services and policy
- community arts and entertainment
- community health and safety, sport, and recreation, healthy and active lifestyle initiatives
- accessibility and review of access issues
- facilities management
- beaches and leisure facilities
- tourism and economic development
- community engagement opportunities
- website design and functionality
- community participation
- community satisfaction
- community events, planning and development,
- Aboriginal, Indigeneous and Torres Strait Islander Services
- life-long learning initiatives
- history and heritage
- library services
- community capacity building
- civic and community recognition
- facility marketing opportunities
- customer service.
City Performance Committee
Date: |
Second Wednesday of every month |
Time: | Following the City Services Committee |
Location: | Botany Committee Meeting Room Botany Town Hall |
Online: | We stream Council meetings on our Youtube channel |
Agendas and minutes are available online. Terms of Reference.
Committee Members:
Cr Soraya Kassim, Chairperson
Cr Fiona Douskou, Deputy Chairperson
Cr Edward McDougall, Mayor
Cr Heidi Lee Douglas, Deputy Mayor
Cr Chris Saravinovski
Cr Jerome Boutelet
Cr Janin Bredehoeft
This committee considers matters relating to Corporate Performance including:
- Budget* and long term financial planning
- financial & operating reporting
- statutory accounts and reports
- cash management
- integrated planning and reporting (delivery program, operational plan, and reporting)*
- rates, fees and charges*
- employment and industrial policies
- insurance
- risk management
- information management and technology
- electoral matters
- organisation development
- public relations and communications strategy
- administer community grants program
- corporate branding, image and marketing
- corporate governance*; legal and legislative compliance
- councillor support
- policy direction and review
- organisational structure
- advocacy
- corporate branding
- grant funding applications*
- tenders* (except works related tenders)
- meeting schedules
- inter-governmental relations
- inquiries and reviews.
*these items may be reported direct to Council due to legislation or other reasons.
Other committees
We are supported by various committees that provide advice on particular issues. These committees have external members.
More information, including agendas, reports and minutes:
More information