Lady Robinsons Beach Sand Nourishment Project

Important works will be taking place on Crown Land along Lady Robinson Beach, affecting Kyeemagh, Brighton Le Sands, Ramsgate and Dolls Point. The works are being undertaken to ensure the stability of the area and protect our foreshore from further erosion while a long-term management plan is being established. 

Report an Issue

If you've seen an issue in the local area, you can report it online.

This can include potholes, abandoned vehicles, illegal parking, dumped rubbish, a tree needing removal, uneven or broken footpaths, air or water pollution and more.

Latest consultations

See the plans and projects that are now available for your feedback.  

What's on

Upcoming events, programs and exhibitions.

You can also register your interest in hosting or partnering with us to run an event.


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Need to contact us?

Call 1300 581 299 (weekdays 8:30am-4pm and Saturday 9am-1pm) or email