National Reconciliation Week

Bayside Council is hosting a guided walk through the native bush tucker forest in Sir Joseph Banks Park to mark National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week.

This guided tour will provide an opportunity to reflect on our shared histories and help contribute to reconciliation in Australia in keeping with this year’s National Reconciliation Week theme of Now More Than Ever

The guided interactive walk through the native bush tucker forest is run by IndigiGrow and will give residents an opportunity to engage with our First Nations community while learning more about Australia’s edible plants.

The native bush tucker garden forest covers about 3000 square metres in Sir Joseph Banks Park.

As well as a Welcome to Country, there will also be an opportunity to learn about native bees and worm farming. A sausage sizzle will be provided by Goanna Hut.

Residents are welcome to attend this free event, but registration is required for catering purposes.

Event Details
Yarn Now More Than Ever
Bush Tucker Forest, Sir Joseph Banks Park
Monday 27 May from 10am – 1pm
This event is free to attend, however registration is essential

Mayor Bill Saravinovski said:

“This is an important opportunity to acknowledge the wrongs of the past and reflect on how we can all work together to achieve reconciliation,” Mayor Bill Saravinovski said.

“I hope to see you all at our bush tucker forest.”

More Information

National Sorry Day on the 26 May remembers and acknowledges the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people we now know as ‘The Stolen Generation.’

National Reconciliation Week coincides with two significant dates in Australia's history:

  • 27 May - marks the anniversary of the 1967 Referendum that removed clauses in the Australian Constitution that discriminated against Aboriginal people.
  • 3 June - marks the anniversary of the High Court of Australia's judgement in the Mabo case, which legally recognised the special relationship Indigenous people had to the land.


Published on: Wed, 15/05/2024 - 16:25