I had the pleasure of attending the opening of Lydham Hall on Sunday 4 February. It was wonderful to tour this renovated building that houses a unique collection of heritage items maintained by the St George Historical Society. 

The museum is open on the first Sunday of the month from 10am to 4pm, and I would encourage everyone to visit this State heritage-listed home in the heart of Bayside at 18 Lydham Ave, Rockdale.

Sunday also saw the Booralee Big Bash return to Botany, with several local sporting clubs participating in a charity cricket day at Booralee Park, to raise awareness and funds for the Gotcha4Life Foundation.

The Gotcha4Life Foundation runs programs and preventative mental health campaigns for suicide prevention.

I would like to thank everyone involved in the Booralee Big Bash. After a very successful event in 2023 it was good to see Council supporting this event for the second year.

February is also a busy month for Council as our Committee Meetings get underway. On Wednesday night our City Services Committee and Corporate Performance Committee held meetings at the Botany Town Hall to discuss Council issues and make recommendations that go to Council Meetings for consideration.

Council’s four committees help provide greater transparency, raise public awareness, and provide more opportunity for community feed-back.

All Committee and Council meetings are open to the media and public, and residents can register to speak on any item on the agenda.

Agendas and minutes, along with the relevant council reports, are available on Council’s website and meetings are live streamed.

Happy Lunar New Year, wishing you happiness and prosperity.

Councillor Bill Saravinovski


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