Sans Souci Fig Tree Saved

A magnificent, giant Fig tree near Ramsgate Beach Plaza, has been saved after Council negotiated with Sydney Water to complete works without the removal of the tree. 

The roots of the significant tree damaged wastewater pipes, which required repair, and the possibility of tree removal was proposed in order to complete the necessary repairs.

Council worked closely with Sydney Water to ensure a solution was found to save the tree located in Alfred Street, Sans Souci.

Sydney Water successfully repaired the wastewater pipe under the supervision of a qualified arborist, and the large fig tree has been retained.

This fig tree is now also listed in Bayside Council's Draft Significant Tree Register.

Mayor Bill Saravinovski said:

"I am pleased Council worked with Sydney Water to find a solution to save this wonderful tree. Its removal would have been devastating to the community and our environment."



Published on: Wed, 15/05/2024 - 16:28