Cultural and Linguistic Diversity

Bayside is a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) community with a rich history of diverse traditions, almost half of our residents were born overseas and 53% of people speak a language other than English at home.

Welcome to Bayside Guide

Bayside Council published the Welcome to Bayside Council Guide (The Guide) to outline the role of local government, and what we deliver for the community. 

The Guide is for all Bayside residents including new citizens who want to learn more about Council and the community, like:

  • Detailing the different levels of Australian government
  • Bayside’s demographics
  • Our community services and programs
  • Public places and facilities managed by Bayside Council
  • Community supports available to residents of all abilities, backgrounds, and ages. 
  • How to engage with us and participate in community life.

Call Customer Service on 1300 581 299 to request The Guide in another format or language.

Bayside's multicultural community

We ensure that our services, programs and activities are accessible and available to everyone in our community.

Watch our video to see how we support and celebrate Bayside’s multicultural community.

Interagency networks

Local communities, neighbourhood centres, governments and non-government organisations meet to discuss issues and propose strategies to  actively represent the needs of people from multicultural backgrounds. 

Some key local networks include:

  • Inner Eastern Sydney Multicultural Interagency
  • St George Multicultural Network
  • Multicultural Health Committee

Multicultural organisations

Community engagement days

See below for the campaigns we join during the year to help raise awareness for our CALD community.

Refugee Week

Refugee Week is Australia’s peak annual activity to raise awareness about the issues affecting refugees and celebrate the positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society. While Bayside is home to a relatively small number of people from a refugee background, Council is an active contributor to Refugee Week annually.
Harmony Week and Day

Harmony Week is about celebrating Australia’s cultural diversity and multiculturalism and promoting an inclusive society.

We celebrate diversity and promote an inclusive, cohesive and welcoming community where all residents feel a sense of belonging.

41% of our community is born in countries where English is not the first language, and practice over 60 different religions.

Bayside is a Refugee Welcome Zone city which means we have made a commitment in spirit to:

  • Welcoming refugees into the community
  • Upholding the human rights of refugees
  • Demonstrating compassion for refugees
  • Enhancing cultural and religious diversity in the community.

We welcome refugees, uphold their rights and demonstrate compassion by supporting their settlement in the area.
