Families and Children

We recognise the importance of supporting families and children by offering a range of events, activities, information and support throughout the year.

Children's Services

Choosing the right child care is one of the most important decisions a family will make. Please consider the options early and consider the type of child care to best suit your family’s needs.

You will find more information on our Children’s Services pages.

The Australian Children's Education and Care Authority’s website Starting Blocks assists families to locate a suitable child care service by providing information about services.


Participating in a playgroup can benefit parents, grandparents, carers and children from 0 to 5 years of age. There are several community-run or private playgroups available across Bayside. Most playgroups are held on the same day, once a week. To find a local playgroup please contact Playgroup NSW.


In NSW children can start kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn 5 on or before 31 July in that year. In NSW, all children must be enrolled in school by their 6th birthday.

There are a number of public, private and independent schools across Bayside. To find a school near you, visit the Australian Schools Directory


Our Libraries offer a variety of services and programs for children. These programs cater for babies to school aged children.

Early intervention services

Early Childhood Intervention Services are designed to assist families with young children from birth until they enter the school system. Early Childhood Intervention is a term used to describe a range of services designed to assist with developmental concerns or delays, or diagnosed disabilities.

Early Childhood Intervention in Australia is a National organisation providing advocacy and information on early childhood intervention. Parentline NSW supports The Early Childhood Intervention Infoline, a telephone service for families who have questions about their child’s development or who have a child who has been diagnosed with a disability.

Child and family health services

The Child and Family Health Nursing Service provides support for all families caring for children 0-5 years of age. All centres are staffed by Registered Nurses with additional qualifications in Child and Family Health Nursing.

The Child and Family Health Service is a free service available to all families providing support, information and health advice, including (but not limited to) Feeding Support, Parent Groups, Blue Book checks, Developmental Screening, Sleep & Settling advice and adjustment to parenting support.

For further information please contact:

  • (02) 9548 4300 or fax (02) 9520 8772 for Bayside (Rockdale area or south of the airport), Georges River and Sutherland Shire LGA
  • (02) 9382 0933 or fax (02) 9382 0920 for Bayside (Botany area or north of the airport), Waverley, Woollahra, Randwick and part of City of Sydney LGA (east of Darling Harbour)


Immunisation protects the community against vaccine-preventable diseases. Each vaccine plays an important role, so timely vaccination is the best way to protect your child and family.

The immunisation schedule provides a summary of the vaccines and the ages at which they should be given. Timely vaccination is the best way to keep your child protected from serious vaccine-preventable diseases. It is important to book ahead and make an appointment with your doctor or visit your local immunisation clinic.

Child car seats

By law all children must be safely fastened in the correct child car seat for their age and size. More information on child restraints, safe installation and current laws can be found online.

More information is available online on authorised fitting services in your area.

KidSafe NSW

Kidsafe NSW provides parenting resources promoting child injury prevention and education. KidSafe NSW  has a wealth of information about current news and events as well as resources, information sheets and fun educational video clips.

Useful Links for Families

Families and Children