Volunteers Weed Sir Joseph Banks Park

Bayside Council has teamed up with Conservation Volunteers Australia, and NSW Ports to help boost the climate resilience of Sir Joseph Banks Park.

Conservation Volunteers Australia held a successful volunteer event in Sir Joseph Banks Park on Tuesday 23 April that saw 18 people remove weeds in preparation for future planting.

Sir Joseph Banks Park is a vital natural refuge nestled within the bustling suburbs of Botany. 

The park plays a pivotal role as an urban sanctuary – a bustling hub for native plants and animals such as the yellow-tailed black cockatoo, ringtail possums and eastern long-necked turtles.

Council together with CVA and NSW Ports is undertaking a range of activities, including removing weeds, planting native species, constructing nest boxes, litter collection and wildlife monitoring in the park.

The next CVA events planned for Sir Joseph Banks Park are on Wednesday 8 May and Wednesday 5 June.

Interested residents are welcome to contribute by joining a CVA event to help.

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Published on: Fri, 03/05/2024 - 11:51