Council will be holding its first free Chemical Clean Out on Saturday 22 March so residents can safely drop off unwanted household chemicals.
The Chemical Clean Out, facilitated by NSW EPA, will take place at between 9am – 3.30pm on Saturday 22 March at Bexley Depot.
This is a free service, and residents will be able to drop of a maximum of 20 litres or 20 kilograms of household chemical items including, solvents and cleaners, floor care products, pesticides and herbicides, poisons, pool chemicals and motor fuel.
Residents will be able to drop off a maximum of 100 litres of paint in 20 litre tins.
The event provides residents with a way to safely get rid of hazardous household chemicals that could be harmful to human health and the environment if not disposed of correctly.
It is important that hazardous household chemicals are disposed of correctly and do not contaminating our regular waste and recycling services.
Click here for the full list of what can be dropped off.
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